Juneyoung Lee (이준영, June Lee), Ph.D.
I am a Senior Applied Scientist at Automated Reasoning Group in AWS (Austin, TX). I work on writing a provably correct code that is also fast.
I received Ph.D. from Software Foundations Lab,
Seoul National University in August, 2021.
- E-mail: lebjuney@amazon.com, aqjune@gmail.com (personal), juneyoung.lee@sf.snu.ac.kr (old)
- Google scholar: link
- Sep. 17, 2024: I will serve as a Review Committee member of OOPSLA’25.
- Aug. 8, 2024: My work was published as an Amazon Science blog post (link).
- Mar. 26, 2024: I will serve as a PC member of VSTTE’24 and AEC member of AVTA’24.
- Programming languages, compiler verification (esp. translation validation)
- Theorem proving using SMT solvers and interactive theorem provers
- Compiler for homomorphic encryption
- Verification of cryptographic libraries
Awards, Activities and Experience
- Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University (2016. Mar ~ 2021. Aug)
- B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, minor in Life Science, POSTECH, magna cum laude (~ 2014. 8)
Blog Posts